Some of the images that stayed in my mind after I had closed my computer was one of houses in cars swamped with water with one house in the middle on fire, and another was a picture of the actual tsunami hitting land.
3 Wishes For Japan
1. For people to be reunited with their families
2. For the destruction to be cleaned up and houses rebuilt
3. For the radiation to be controlled and not spreading to the rest of the world, no one getting sick from it
I chose brown paper bags for my self portrait because I remembered making puppets with them when I was a little kid and I thought it would work well. I didn't really get to finish mine, but my idea was to do a traditional paper bag puppet. My process was to just try to put body parts on one by one. I clearly didn't get very far. I do not like the finished product much. First of all it isn't finished, and also I regret choosing paper bags as a material. It just ended up looking something like a monkey.