Sunday, November 14, 2010

End of Term 1 Reflection

The first term of Art Principles was pretty good. It wasn't perfect for me, I was bored at times and that affected my engagement and performance. I've learned many new things this term, like techniques for drawing, what the principles of design are, and how to make a good collage. I don't think I like or dislike art anymore than I did at the beginning of the term, however I do think I have much more knowledge about art and different types of art then I did before. What has surprised me this term is that I'm not bad at all aspects of art. I think my final collage project going great, and my found objects sculpture was good too. My biggest success so far is becoming more engaged over the last couple of weeks. My biggest challenges have been finding ways to stay interested in what I'm doing so I pay attention and do well. If I do that the outcome of my work will probably be better. If I were to give myself advice it would be to do what I said earlier from the beginning, to try to find something interesting about what I'm doing. To continue to grow as an artist I need to find a part of art I like the best and continue doing that.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Chair With Coat

I think it was less complicated to draw the chair and coat than a pile of sticks, but it was still difficult because things were more defined so you had to draw them right. I don't think I used any skills developed over the past few weeks because I don't think I have any.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Glass Half Full Project: + and - of Sleeping In

The concept for my Glass Half Full project was to draw two drawings: one showing the positives of sleeping in and the other showing the negatives. The process was relatively easy, I had an idea quickly and knew pretty much exactly what I wanted to do. I was mostly happy with the way it came out. Not completely, but I'm not the best drawer so it wasn't too bad. I got some feedback saying I should add some color to select elements of the drawings to emphasize them more. I used that advice and found that it worked well. The aspects of the project that I think were most successful was I did the best I could and was focused more than usual.

Top: Positive
                                                                                    Bottom: Negative